1 – 12 von insgesamt 12 Büchern
bis zu 6 Personen
Workplace relationships take on a whole new aspect when you're a cat burglar!
Preis ab €31.99 €
bis zu 10 Personen
Things never turn out the way you expect.
Four friends are chosen for a dangerous task, which is the adventure of their lives!
Preis ab 19.99€
bis zu 4 Personen
The fascinating stranger who has won her heart - could he be a murderer after all?
Preis ab €26.95 €
bis zu 21 Personen
During a golf tournament, a murder case causes a stir.
bis zu 9 Personen
A smart detective gets involved with the IRA on his mission.
Eine Personen
South American terrorists, self-made escape planes and blooming love!
A young art gallery owner falls in love with an angel. Is there any chance for their love?
Can the newly wed couple truly enjoy its honeymoon?
bis zu 14 Personen
An unknown virus threatens Europe. However, a young doctor is willing to fight it.
An unknown virus threatens Europe. However, a young doctor is willing to fight it...