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A Journey into the Middle Ages – W
A magic book whisks a little girl into medieval times. With her new friend, Kuni, she smuggles her way into a castle to a knights’ tournament. A very special prize awaits the winner of the tournament…
Autor: Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Seiten
A magic book whisks Anna Brown into medieval times. With her new friend, Kuni, she smuggles her way into the castle to see a knights tournament. They have hardly arrived at the castle to watch the start of the tournament with great excitement when Anna and Kuni are hauled off to assist the cook. He thinks that they are both his kitchen helps, who have skived off just before the tournament. Anna and Kuni have to slice up a roast joint but how without a knife? Anna discovers a sword that is embedded in a piece of rock. How much she tries she cannot get it out of the stone. But maybe Kuni will manage it. He gives it a pull and sure enough it slides out of the stone! He is the lost son of the Lord and Lady of the castle! Non-personalised characters: Kunibert, or Kuni for short, is an orphan, who has been living with farm people. Together with Anna, he steals up to the castle to watch the knights tournament. He pulls the sword from the stone upon which we learn that Kuni is no orphan but the son of the Lord and Lady of the castle! The Lord and Lady of the castle. For years, the couple has been searching for their lost son. And at last he is returned to them: Kunibert, their son, is back! The Lord and Lady of the castle thank Anna warmly as it was Anna who brought Kunibert to the castle! The cook thinks that Anna and Kuni are his kitchen helps who recently vanished. He orders them to slice up the roast joint. To do this, Kuni pulls the sword out of the stone. Amazing! He is the lost son of the Lord and Lady of the castle!
A journey through time to the Middle Ages that reminds the reader of the Tales of King Arthurs Court and is an invitation to an exciting read. For fantastic girls aged between six and eight.Settings
Attic Castle Knights Tournament Castle HallTime
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