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Just married
The wedding day is one of the most beautiful and important days in a couple’s life. The sealed bond for life is celebrated with a special party. This little book containing thoughts about love and marriage in the words of famous poets and thinkers will keep the memories of this important day alive. A beautiful keepsake and very personal gift for the happy couple.
To many happy years of marriage!
Autor: PersonalNOVEL
Illustration: istockphoto.com/tania oloy
ca. 36 Seiten
(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)
Catherine and William got married! Congratulations and all the best wishes for their future!
(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)
Surprise bride and groom with this unique wedding gift! - Personal dedication - The names of bride and groom on all double pages in the book - High-quality illustrations 13 double pages contain the most beautiful, amusing and wise quotes and proverbs about wedding and marriage. The elegant illustrations complete the charming product. In addition, you can give it an extra personal touch by inserting the names of the couple. Besides a dedication on the first page of the book, the names of bride and groom are printed in the running title on every double page. A unique and individual gift for the newly-weds, a keepsake that they are sure to cherish forever!Bestellhilfe
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