The School Express – W


A girl is given a special ticket for the school express. This train ride is only for school children! And off they go on a fun journey stopping at the Writing, Reading, Maths and Gym stations.

Autor: Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Seiten
SKU: the-school-express-w Category:
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(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


Anna Brown, the heroine of this book, is just about to start school. She is given a special ticket for the school express. The train picks Anna up as well as a lot of other pupils the very next morning. The first station at which the school express stops is “Writing”, followed by other subjects, such as “Reading”, “Maths” and “Gym”. Anna is able to take a peek at each school subject and discovers that school is fun! Mummy gives Anna her special ticket for the school express. She is very proud of Anna because she has been very brave to ride on the school express and because she is now looking forward to going to school. Mummy only plays a small role in this book. (ATTENTION! This character can also be any female relation or friend, e.g. mother, mummy, Heather, Aunty Debby). Non-personalised characters: The conductor on the school express. Anna immediately takes a liking to the man with the moustache. With simple tricks, the conductor warms the children to the school subjects. A lot of other children

(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


Anna Brown is just about to start school. She is given a special ticket for the school express. This train journey is only for school children. And off they go on a fun trip stopping at the Writing, Reading, Maths and Gym stations. A fun book about starting school – for children between 5 and 7.




At Anna's house Train carriage Field Sports field

Gisela Duerr


Tina Jacobi

Tina Jacobi, Jahrgang 1978, arbeitete nach ihrem BWL-Studium als Texterin und absolvierte eine Ausbildung zur Drehbuchautorin. Seit 2004 schreibt sie freiberuflich Belletristik und Kinderbücher und drehte mehrere Kurzfilme. Tina Jacobi ist verheiratet und lebt in der Nähe von München. Die Autorin schreibt für PersonalNOVEL auch als Mariella Sylvenstein.


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