Happy Christmas!

Christmas time does not only bring along cosy hours in front of the open fire with your loved ones, but also hectic shopping tours and a busy schedule. The poems and quotes of famous and inspiring people collected in this little book will provide you with a little peace and quietness and remind you of what really counts - not only during the holiday season but all year long. Happy Christmas!

Illustration: istockphoto.com/Liang Zhang
ca. 36 Seiten

Ab 34.99 EUR inkl. 7% MWSt
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Die Bilder wurden für die Vorschau optimiert. Der Druck entspricht der aus dem Buchhandel bekannten Qualität.

(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


This book belongs to Catherine Miller - happy Christmas!

(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


A book as happy as Christmas!
- Personal dedication
- The name of the recipient (f/m) on all double pages in the book
- High-quality illustrations
13 double pages contain the most beautiful quotes and poems about Christmas. The elegant illustrations complete this charming product.
In addition, you can give it an extra personal touch by inserting the name of the recipient. Besides a dedication on the first page of the book, the name is printed in the running title on every double page. A unique and individual Christmas gift!



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