The Maze in the Cornfield (für Mädchen)
The maze in the cornfield is not just a labyrinth. Looking at it from above it forms a picture. Seized by curiosity, the girl decides she wants to fly like a bird. It must be possible… somehow.
Autor: Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Seiten
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It is summertime and together with mum and dad, Anna visits a maze in a cornfield. The man at the entrance explains that when you look at it from above the maze is actually a picture. Anna wants to see it but how? She would have to be able to fly. After a lot of thinking and tinkering, Anna really does lift off into the sky in a hot-air balloon! Now what will the maze reveal? Mum, Annas mother (this can also be a different female parent-figure for Anna, e.g. the first name of her stepmother, or the first name of dads partner, Aunty June ). She is also on the trip to the maze and has packed biscuits and drinks for the day. Mum only plays a minor role. Dad, Annas father (this can also be a different male parent-figure for Anna, e.g. the first name of her stepfather, the first name of mums partner, Uncle Chris ). Dad is also on the trip to the maze and helps Anna to tink about to try to make something that will enable her to fly, finally surprising her with a ride in a hot-air balloon. Of course they both fly over the maze. These characters cannot be personalised: The man at the entrance to the cornfield. He explains to Anna that the maze is actually a picture of something if you are able to look at it from above. The balloonist explains to Anna how a hot-air balloon can fly. Anna and dad fly up into the sky with him and of course they get to see the cornfield from above.
Cornfield At Annas home Hot-air balloonSummary
A book to be discovered, full of creative ideas and the dream to fly. For adventurous children aged between 4 and 6 years.Bestellhilfe
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