The Little Christmas Angel (für Jungen)

The Christmas angel is in a bit of a fix. She just can’t manage to do all the work for Christmas on her own. But she wants all the children to have a lovely Christmas! Luckily a little boy comes to help her out, like a real Christmas angel.

Autor: Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Seiten

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(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


It’s the 24th December. Daniel Brown can’t wait to open his presents. To make time go quicker, Daniel goes out sledging. From the depths of the trees in the wood he hears someone crying. There is the Christmas angel, at a loss at what to do: she has so much work! Daniel offers to help her, decorates the Christmas tree and wraps up the presents. Together the work is finished much quicker and is fun! Daniel and the Christmas angel whizz from house to house delivering the presents. When they get to the last house they notice something: there are no more presents – except for Daniel’s. To make sure the children in the last house have a nice Christmas too, Daniel gives them his presents. The children are so happy! Daniel is happy too and notices that sharing is fun! Mum, Daniel’s parent (can be male or female). She is only mentioned once in the book. Characters that cannot be personalised: The Christmas angel, who has so much to do she doesn’t know where to start. Daniel helps her. Several children

(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)




At Daniel’s home The woods


A Christmas story with Father Christmas and the Christmas angel, showing that sharing presents is as much fun as receiving presents. For children between three and five years of age.

Gisela Duerr


Tina Jacobi

Tina Jacobi, Jahrgang 1978, arbeitete nach ihrem BWL-Studium als Texterin und absolvierte eine Ausbildung zur Drehbuchautorin. Seit 2004 schreibt sie freiberuflich Belletristik und Kinderbücher und drehte mehrere Kurzfilme. Tina Jacobi ist verheiratet und lebt in der Nähe von München. Die Autorin schreibt für PersonalNOVEL auch als Mariella Sylvenstein.


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