The Polar Bear in the Fridge (für Jungen)

In a world of ice behind the back of the fridge, a boy meets the little polar bear, Nanuk. But while they’re playing they get into difficulties: they drift out to sea on an iceberg…

Autor: Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Seiten

Ab 19.99 EUR inkl. 7% MWSt
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(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


Daniel Brown, the heroine of the story, actually only wanted to have her favourite ice-cream. But what she finds in the fridge is a lot more interesting than strawberry ice-cream! She gets to know Nanuk, the friendly polar bear, and with him, she discovers the beautiful, icy arctic world and meets a lot of nice people. While she is playing with the funny little polar bear, they suddenly find themselves in danger: stranded on an iceberg, they start drifting out to the open sea. How lucky she is that Nanuk knows what to do! Mum (could also be stepmother aunty/older sister) plays only a minor role. Non-personalised characters: Nanuk, the friendly little polar bear, takes Daniel into his world and together they have an adventure. A man driving a sledge of dogs, who is not named, is very friendly and helpful. He gives Daniel warm things to wear so that she doesn’t get cold in the snow. And a lot of animals that Daniel gets to see...

(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


A fantastic adventure story, in which the little polar explorer discovers the arctic landscape and gets to know the people and creatures who live there… For adventurous boys between 6 and 8 years old.




Kitchen The Arctic

Gisela Duerr


Tina Jacobi

Tina Jacobi, Jahrgang 1978, arbeitete nach ihrem BWL-Studium als Texterin und absolvierte eine Ausbildung zur Drehbuchautorin. Seit 2004 schreibt sie freiberuflich Belletristik und Kinderbücher und drehte mehrere Kurzfilme. Tina Jacobi ist verheiratet und lebt in der Nähe von München. Die Autorin schreibt für PersonalNOVEL auch als Mariella Sylvenstein.


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