Cooking with Mouse (für Jungen)
Luigi, the famous kitchen mouse from Italy, has travelled all the way especially to cook with a very inquisitive little boy. Together they prepare a delicious menu and talk about the kind of food that is good for people and kitchen mice.
Autor: Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Seiten
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Daniel Brown has an important visitor today! Luigi, the famous kitchen mouse from Italy has come to see her! Together they prepare a delicious and healthy meal. And as they do so, Daniel learns about the types of food that are good for people and kitchen mice. Non-personalised characters: Luigi, the kitchen mouse. In Italy, the mouse is a celebrity chef. The rodent has his own television programme and everyone wants to eat in his restaurant, Da Luigi. Today he has arrived just to cook with Daniel. Together they magic a tasty menu of dishes and he explains to Daniel which kinds of food are good for us.
A book about healthy eating including a simple introduction to the subject for young chefs. For inquisitive boys between four and six years of age.Time
At Daniel's place KitchenBestellhilfe
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