A Real Princess
The good fairy thinks that the little girl is a real princess. And only a real princess can save the enchanted prince. But first, the girl has to pass three tests.
Autor: Tina Jacobi
Illustration: Gisela Dürr
ca. 36 Seiten
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Anna cant believe her eyes: a horse-drawn carriage is coming right towards her house! And who is getting out? An elegant lady with hat and magic wand a good fairy! The good fairy is looking for a real princess, as only a real princess can break the spell on the enchanted prince. He was turned into a frog by a wicked witch. Anna has to pass three tests that will prove whether she is a real princess. She passes the tests with flying colours and at last the prince is released from the spell! Non-personalised characters: The good fairy takes Anna to the enchanted prince. Once they arrive in the castle, the fairy tests Anna to see if she really is a princess. And shes in luck! Anna is a real princess and can help the sad prince out of his pickle! The King, the father of the enchanted prince. He lives in a beautiful castle, together with his wife, the Queen, and their son. The Queen, the mother of the enchanted prince. She lives in a beautiful castle together with her husband, the King, and their son. The prince was turned into a frog by a wicked witch. Only a real princess can release him from the spell. And hes in luck, for Anna is a real princess!
A fairy tale for little princesses, who realise that appearance is not what makes a real princess but nobleness of heart. A magical book for small girls between 4 and 6.Time
At Anna's home, palaceBestellhilfe
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