Dublin Affairs

The son of an Irish immigrant, who has come into money, flees to Ireland to join the IRA. A well-known private detective is commissioned to bring him back. He follows the young man’s trail from New York to Dublin and stirs up a deadly hornet’s nest full of terror and hatred. The IRA members don’t like the detective’s questions, a judge turns up on an assassination list, and the police suddenly consider him a dangerous terrorist. He is hunter and prey all at once. Will he manage to rescue the boy and pull himself out of danger?

Autor: Brian Carisi
Illustration: istockphoto.com/Nikada
ca. 112 Seiten

Ab 26.95 EUR inkl. 7% MWSt
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(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)

Personen :

6 male and 3 female roles


Bount Reiniger, the hero, is a good-looking and charming New York private detective. In the novel, he is in Dublin, comes under the scrutiny of the IRA and also gets into trouble with the local police.

Revengeful woman

Gwen, the avenger, helps Bount because she thinks he is on her side, but she is also pursuing her own objectives. She wants to take revenge against Seamus, who killed her husband and daughter.

The hero's assistant who is in love with him

June March is Bount’s assistant. The incredibly attractive woman wants more than just a professional relationship with her boss, but things don’t work out her way. She only appears briefly.

Missing IRA member

Jack McDowell, the missing person, is a 19-year-old Irish who lives in New York. His name used to be Jack Keogh. He wants to fight like a man for the IRA in Ireland, and Bount is supposed to stop him from rushing headlong into disaster.

The IRA member's father

Rory Keogh, his father, thinks his son has gone to Ireland to join the IRA. He commissions Bount to look for his son in Dublin.


Suzanne Cortez, works as a waitress at a fast-food restaurant and used to be Jack’s girlfriend.


Cyrus Wainright, the forger, forges passports and does not like Bount.


William Doherty, the judge, is on the death list of the IRA. Bount saves his life, just in time.


Peter McEwan, superintendent of the Local Detective Unit in Dublin. Many years ago, he and Bount Reiniger had worked together.

(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


Detective novel with a male protagonist without love scenes.


First New York, then Dublin.


The present.
(Kursiv:wird durch Ihre Angaben ersetzt)


Two men in uniforms took Bount and led him away. They walked through narrow corridors. O’Kelly, the bald officer, came panting after them. He was obviously unhappy with the situation.
Finally, they stopped in front of an office door.
“Wait a minute,” said O’Kelly. “I want to talk to the magistrate alone first.” He knocked on the door and walked in.
Bount was able to catch a glimpse of the magistrate. She was a good-looking woman of mature age, and she didn’t seem to like having been called here at this time of night.
Bount felt the two guards loosen their grips on his upper arms. One of them sneered at Bount. The other one looked out of the window into the night.
It’s now or never, Bount thought, slamming his elbow into the face of the guard to his right so that he stumbled back and wailed. The other guard reached for his gun, but Bount was faster. He pulled him closer with his handcuffed hands and thumped his bent knee into the guard’s stomach. The guard slumped into a heap on the floor with a suppressed groan.
Bount knew he had no time to lose. He took a run and leaped through one of the low windows. Glass shattered. Bount hit the ground hard and rolled over. A second later, he struggled back to his feet, ready to dash off.
“Stop, or we’ll shoot!” he heard a man yell behind him. But, Bount didn’t stop. He ran. His legs moved automatically.
A shot whizzed by. Bount dove behind a parked patrol car, and a bullet smashed the side window. Then, lights went on everywhere. Bount got up again and continued running. Bullets flew through the night, and searchlights chased him.
Bount was in a vast inner courtyard, and apart from a few parked cars, there was not much cover. He ran into the dark and tried to keep to the side walls, while the tumult around him increased. He reached a waste container and briefly scanned the location. Rays of light ran across the asphalt. Bount ducked down and crouched next to the container.
“Come out, Reiniger! You don’t stand a chance,” called O’Kelly, who had also reached the scene. He stood there gesticulating wildly with his gun in his hand.
“He must be back there!” a man called.
“He’s trapped,” muttered O'Kelly. But, that was more or less to comfort himself; the runaway was nowhere to be seen. He had been swallowed by the night. The lights were on everywhere, so Bount had to be hiding in some corner. Perhaps he was behind the parked cars, or he had even managed to crawl into a trunk. But, he stood no chance; that was as sure as hell. The gate was secured by armed guards. And behind it was another six-foot high metal gate. This courtyard was virtually a cage, and there was no way out. O’Kelly assured himself over and over again.
“I suppose he ran to the western wing and then escaped over the fire ladder,” one of the men said to him resignedly.
“I thought you had blocked off everything over there,” scolded O’Kelly.
The man shrugged his shoulders. “Probably, we weren’t fast enough. We can’t perform miracles.”


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Sie brauchen nicht alle diese Möglichkeiten zu nutzen – für jede Angabe können Sie auch einfach den Vorgabewert verwenden.


The hero's christian name is
452 x
The hero's surname is
35 x
The hero's hair color is
2 x
The hero's eye color is
2 x
The color of the hero's car is
2 x
The type of the hero's car is
8 x

Revengeful woman

The revengeful woman's christian name is
33 x
The revengeful woman's eye color
The revengeful woman's hair color

The hero's assistant who is in love with him

The assistant's christian name is
8 x
The assistant's surname is
1 x
The assistant's hair color is
2 x
The assistant's eye color is
1 x

Missing IRA member

IRA fighter's real christian name is
147 x
The IRA fighter's real surname
34 x
The IRA fighter's fake surname is
10 x

The IRA member's father

The IRA fighter's father's christian name is
4 x


The ex-girlfriend's christian name is
12 x
The ex-girlfriend's surname is
3 x
The ex-girlfriend's hair color is


First name of forger
6 x
Second name of forger
24 x


First name of judge
3 x
Second name of judge
13 x


First name superintendent
1 x
Second name superintendent
2 x


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